Harnessing The Potential of Open-Source Database Platform and Related Web
Technologies for Managing Seed Inventory of Cereals Germplasm Collection
Rodolfo C. Camaclang III1*, Sancho G. Bon2, Aldrin Joseph J. Hao1, and Juan Paolo D. Banares2
1Institute of Computer Science, College of Arts and Sciences, University of the Philippines Los Baños (UPLB), Los Baños, 4031 Laguna, Philippines; 2Institute of Crop Science, College of Agriculture and Food Science, UPLB, Los Baños, 4031 Laguna, Philippines. *Corresponding author, rccamaclang1@up.edu.ph
Philippine Cereals Genetic Resources Information Database (PCGRID) exemplifies that industry-class germplasm documentation and inventory system can be developed and
implemented using open-source database system platforms and web technologies such as
PostgreSQL and the Yii framework. These open-source resources perform well with off-theshelf
retail consumer market hardware configurations and commercial domain hosting and
cloud services. The PCGRID has shown that rapid access, better-quality information,
effective data filtration; improved data integrity and streamlined and integrated data
management is a better forward option for seed inventory management and germplasm
documentation, in general. Online implementation and administration further improve
functionality and value of the system. Data can be accessed and retrieved, appended, and
reviewed anytime, anywhere where internet services are available. Online administration,
however, involve operational costs such as subscription to services providers or as
additional server load to the institution’s in-house systems facilities or acquisition and
installation of hardware systems and internet subscription. Moreover, a dedicated systems
administrator is necessary for keeping the database system updated, continuing systems
design and features improvement, and to rectify bugs and crashes.
Keywords: Germplasm conservation, germplasm database, germplasm seed inventory, online, PGR
documentation, postgresql, SQL, Yii framework
Vol 49 - 3 December 2024